Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

It has been a while since I have posted anything - I knew this would be hard to keep up with - especially during the holidays!  In any event - I love the new year.  It is a great time to look back on all that we have experienced, done, and enjoyed over the previous year, as well as setting our sights on what is to come.  Today, I am looking back and posting about books I have read in 2011.  There have been some really good ones, some old ones and some just ok ones.  I have a rule developed after years of reading bad books to the bitter end - if I don't like it after 3 chapters, it is OK to just stop reading it!  So without further delay, here is the list:

1.  The Emperor's Tomb by Steve Berry - this was recommended to me by my Mother.  She loved it - I did not.  It has a lot of Chinese history which I loved but the story - not so much.  I think it is highly regarded so what do I know - I just didn't love it and stopped reading about 3/4 of the way through.


2.  Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival by Laura Hillenbrand - Amazing book!  Loved it.  I love World War II history - thank my 12th grade history teacher - great story.


3.  Life from Scratch by Melissa Ford - a food blogger going through a divorce.  Funny at times, sad at times, overall a decent read.  I did think that this was a real blogger - turns out it was fiction. 


4.  The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly - I really enjoyed this book - so much so that I read another one of Michael Connelly's novels immediately afterward - see below


5.  The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly - a good read but once done, I decided I was done with the characters - I think there is 100 more books with them in it!  They weren't bad, just done with it.


6.  Still Alice by Lisa Genova - Enjoyed this one.  It's about a Harvard professor who is diagnosed with early-onset alzheimer's in her early 40's.  Very interesting, sad glimpse into this disease and its impact on a younger family.  Naturally I think I have it now too!


7.  Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman - I enjoy a "slice of life" book and that is what this one was.  Poor Cee Cee is having a rough time of things, including her Mom being hit by an ice cream truck - then she moves in with her father's aunt in the deep south and everything changes - for the better.


8.  Bossypants by Tina Fey - one word - Hilarious!


9.  Dreams of Joy by Lisa See  I love Lisa See and her depiction of China.  This is a sequel to Shang-hai Girls - another great story.


10. Lord of the Flies by  William Golding - Christian had to read this for summer reading and I hadn't read it in oh - 150 years - so I got it on my kindle and gave it another go.  I remember not enjoying this in high school.  It is a very thought provoking story of course and I certainly appreciated it now more than in my teens.  I think it is a bit heavy for a 14 year old but we all had to suffer through it so why should things change - right?


11.  The Stand by Stephen King - One of the BEST books I read this year.  Another one that I had read - oh about at least 20 years ago!  It was great getting to know these characters again and I loved the fact that Stephen King went back and added 400 pages to the original tale.  I had forgotten a lot of the details so it was almost reading it again for the first time.  It was interesting reading this after Lord of the Flies as they both deal with the idea of society as we know it being wiped out. What happens to the people who survive?  Will there be laws, governance, anarchy?  Another thought provoker with the idea of God vs. Satan thrown in for good measure.  Read this one again -  you won't regret it.


12.  Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan - another "slice of life" book.  This time it's a dysfunctional clan who have vacationed in the same house in Maine for years.  Lots going on in this family - as in all families.  A good read.  Enjoyed it so much decided to read another by the same author - Commencement.


13.  Commencement by J. Courtney Sullivan - Slice of Life book about college girlfiriends.  Didn't like this one as much as Maine but again, a decent read that made it past the "3 chapter rule!"


14.  Thunder Dog by Michael Hingson - Fascinating book about a blind man and his guide dog and their experience on 9-11 escaping the North Tower.  I learned a lot about the blind as well as the guide dog process.  Very interesting.


15.  Zombie, Ohio by Scottt Kenemore - this was a $1.99 book on Amazon for Kindle.  I have to admit - I'm obsessed with the notion of a zombie apocalypse!  I've watched all the movies so when this book offer came across my computer I thought - what the heck!  Very interesting take on the moral implications of being a zombie - the main character is a zombie who doesn't realize it at first.  I did stop reading after his first kill though - not gory - but disturbing.  I might go back to it later.


16.  The Giver by Lois Lowry - this was a school book review book for Christian.  i like to read what he reads so I can be a good "editor" for him!  Great, great book.  Aimed at teens but a great book for everyone.  Imagine a world where everything in life is mapped out for you from your spouse to your children.  It is all picked for you - no decisions - no mistakes - no memories of when things were not perfect.  Unless you are the "receiver" - who gets all the good and bad memories of mankind.  Read this one - it will make you think.


17.  As Hot as it was you Ought to Thank Me by Nanci Kincaid  Just finished this slice of life book.  Kept me interested.  Interesting characters, funny southern town, mystery, intrigue - and some disturbing scenes with men on a chain-gang.  I enjoyed it - I will probably think about some of the characters for some time.


So there you have it - my reading list for 2011.  I can't wait to read some really great books this year.  I am starting with a group read of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.  My friend Leisa and I are going to read 2 a week and discuss.  Looking forward to it!

What's on your reading list?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

School Christmas Parties

We are wrapping up school this week and the little ones had their parties and annual sing-along.  Grammy and Big Daddy even made appearances at the sing-along - Good Times!

Classroom party one 

Classroom party two!

Shooting at Mommy and Daddy

Big Daddy and O

Big Daddy and G 

O, G, Mommy and Grammy 

A perfect ending to a perfect day - lunch with friends at Chick-fil-a.  In matching shirts of course! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend in Review

It was Big Daddy's birthday this weekend, along with Nutcracker and Aunt B's birthday so we were busy, busy, busy!

We started our festivities with some gifting for BD - lots and lots of clothes from Banana, Gap and J. Crew - are those the only places men have to shop?  I think so.

We (he/I - ok I) like the fitted tees at J. Crew and Banana as well as the sweaters.  Gap had a sale on their sweaters - buy one get one free and 1/2 off their scarves so Big Daddy made out.  I think the thing he liked the best though was his Ipod nano and watch band.  The nano has watch face apps so you can change the look and it fits into a cool watchband!  BD wore it to the gym and was able to run his ear bud wire up his shirt sleeve - said it worked great.  Blessing #1 kept stealing it all weekend - I think we might need to email Santa and make a last minute addition to the list.  He could go to Target to buy the nano and get a $15 gift card with purchase.  He might need to run there this morning!

A little Big Daddy Bday love.  Blessing #1 is missing - still in bed!

Then it was a morning to afternoon at the office for BD - doesn't that stink - working on your bday??  We made up for it with a fun Saturday night and Sunday.  Meanwhile, back at the house - it was Nutcracker time!  Blessing #2 loves to go to the Nutcracker every year.  We go with my Mom - Grammy and usually some friends.  This year it was a ballet school/kindergarten buddy.  B2 was about to burst with excitement.

She wanted to put her dress up the second she got up - uh - we're leaving in 5 hours, you need to wait!  But finally, it was time.

Our pre-show photo shoot on the front porch.

After the show, they had a tea party.  The performers came out and signed the girls' programs.  Here's the Rat King - B#2 used to be petrified of it!  Oh how far we have come.

Pictures with Clara too.  This show is put on my B#2's ballet school.  She is now old enough to perform in the show but didn't want to tryout this year - too "a scared".  Maybe next year - I think she would love it.

After the show, it was back to the house to drop off kids and go out to dinner with Big D at a restaurant in our neighborhood.  We met some friends and drank too much wine and ate too much food.  A great time was had by all and i wish i took some pictures - but maybe it is best that I didn't!

Sunday we just hung around the house - watched Christmas movies - A Christmas Story and The Muppets Christmas Carol and just relaxed.  We ended our weekend with dinner out with family at the Yacht Club.

We had a good time - the food was good, the kids behaved and we celebrated two birthdays.  What more could we ask for.

Hope you had a good weekend too!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Teacher and friend gifts - done!

We spent yesterday afternoon putting our teacher and school/mom friends gifts together.  We used the peppermint cocoa mix that I found on another blog last year.  It looked so good, I pinned it on pinterest and have been waiting to make it for Christmas for almost a year!  I started off by making a batch for our family (me) - to make sure it was as awesome as it looked.  And let me tell you - - it is!  So chocolatey, minty and rich.  At the end of the cup, you are left with little bits of chocolate and peppermint to spoon into your mouth - delicious.

Here's the breakdown:

Powdered cocoa mix (we used nestles), mini semi-sweet chips, regular
semi-sweet chips, mini-marshallows and crushed peppermint sticks
(the big ones from dollar store)

Mix it all up and be sure to smile real big while doing it

lick the spoon when you are done stirring

Bag it in cellophane bags - adding extra chips, marshmallows and peppermints on top

Tag it with instructions and hand-drawn candy cane

Mom friends get cute mugs from Marshalls with cocoa inside.

These are the teacher gifts - mug from marshalls, bag of cocoa and gift card to Barnes and Noble.  I love these little bags - I have to remember to get them at Target again next year.  They were cute and easy.

Hope you are having a great holiday season Wendy - my one blog reader!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Back to school

I know it is Christmas but I have to get some fall pictures up here for my kiddos - so better late than never - that's how we roll around here!  Let's start with back to school as I promised myself I will not spend more than 15 minutes on blogging per day - I need the rest of the time to read everyone else's blogs!

Blessing#1's first day of high school!  That's 9 fingers for 9th grade - he indulges me :  )

Blessing #2's first day of Kindergarten

Blessing #3's first day of pre-school

He wasn't afraid - just walked right up to the door
Big sister - ever protective

"I pway with toys!"  Enough said.